How to make vertica backup

In some cases you don`t need 3 node vertica cluster and Ksafety.
We use vertica as very fast column based database + etl and database size only 50 Gb. So we can easy restore vertica from backup and use etl log processing to get actual data.

simple backup commands.

1. Create config file

/opt/vertica/bin/vbr --setupconfig

2. initialize backup storage

$ /opt/vertica/bin/vbr  --task init --config-file /home/dbadmin/leadada_snapshot.ini
Initializing backup locations.
Backup locations initialized.

3. And finally!!

$ --task backup --config-file /home/dbadmin/leadada_snapshot.ini
Starting backup of database leadada.
Participating nodes: v_leadada_node0001.
Snapshotting database.
Snapshot complete.
Approximate bytes to copy: 37754604170 of 37754604170 total.
[==================================================] 100%
Copying backup metadata.
Finalizing backup.
Backup complete!

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