Category Archives: mail

Mail 550 filter

If you make a project with huge amount of email notification, you MUST control number of 550 reply from mail servers. Because if you skip this step, and continue sending to deleted mail boxes, big mail providers such as,,, etc. will ban you domain at 0.5 – 1% “user unknown” reply.
So mail.log parsing is only solution.
In our project we add bad email addresses to database table (we use postgress)

1. make database replace rule, if email already added, (email is primary key) it is fastest way to prevent errors on INSERT duplicate email addresses.
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How to capture bad email addresses in mass mail.

We have huge project with a great number of registered users. They receive notification via email, when actions occur. (new comment, gift, some other activity). Project targeting – Russia and former USSR In Russia some free email hosting providers like delete user account after 2-3 years of inactivity.
So we have now 2-3000000 users with bad email address.
How to find them and remove from mailing list:

According to RFC 5321 (smtp rfc) in case of wrong email in rcpt to, server should return 550 no such user.
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