Mysql How to delete all triggers

I`v got an issue from our development team to dump all triggers from prod db and add them to development db.
It`s trivial, except all triggers deletion. Everyone use magic, procedures, etc.

How to dump only triggers:

/usr/bin/mysqldump --single-transaction  --triggers --routines --no-data  --no-create-db --no-create-info
-h database_name > /home/backup/mysql/database_name_triggers.sql

How to delete all triggers:

Fastest way (a little bit hindy 🙂 🙂 but working o.k.): Upload trigger names to file, apply regexp, delete

$mysql -e "SELECT trigger_schema, trigger_name from information_schema.triggers" > ./drop_all_triggers.sql

regexps (use vi, Luke):

:%s/database_name/DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS database_name/g
$mysql mydatabase < ./drop_all_triggers.sql
  1. Hi there,

    What do you mean with ‘moneymove’? I was not able to decipher your meaning.

    Jared Ready

  2. thank you very much! 🙂

  3. nice but you can do it all in the sql statement without having to use regexp etc.
    mysql -u root -p -N -e “SELECT concat(‘DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ‘, trigger_schema, ‘.’, trigger_name, ‘;’) from information_schema.triggers” > ./drop_all_triggers.sql

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